The principal issue of hospitalized patients in concentrated care units is taking care of, and on the off chance that the patient doesn't get the everyday caloric admission expected to his body, he will have unhealthiness and issues connected with it. Stomach knead is a technique used to work on stomach related capability in different examinations, however couple of studies have been led in serious consideration units, and here and there, problematic outcomes have been gotten. In this manner, the current review is led fully intent on deciding the impact of stomach knead on the gastric lingering volume in patients hospitalized in serious consideration units.
This study was directed as a clinical preliminary in Ahwaz, in 2017. Tests were 60 patients hospitalized in serious consideration units who were haphazardly isolated into case and control gatherings. The mediation time frame for the case bunch was 3 days and two times day to day for 20 min. Estimating the gastric remaining volume was examined before the mediation and 1 hour after the second back rub every day. Information were placed into the agenda planned by the specialist and were broke down utilizing SPSS form 24 and clear and inferential tests.
The gastric lingering volume on the second and third day after the mediation was not exactly before the intercession , the gastric remaining volume before intercession with after intercession in the benchmark group during various days, on every one of the 3 days after the mediation, was more than before the mediation , and the gastric leftover volume after the intercession in various days and the mean of various days for the situation bunch was lower than the benchmark group .
Results address the impact of stomach rub on diminishing the gastric remaining volume in patients hospitalized in escalated care units. Thusly, it is recommended that this strategy can be considered as a mindful technique in the everyday consideration program for these patients.
Watchwords: Abdominal back rub, Residual volume, Intensive consideration unit
Food support plays a fundamental part in dealing with patients in concentrated care units . This is one of the significant objectives in dealing with these patients . Taking care of with nasogastric (NG) tube is utilized for patients who can't take care of through mouth , and for this situation, after the embedding the NG tube, during the initial 24 h, the gastric lingering volume (GRV) is estimated each 6 h. Assuming that the GRV is more prominent than 250 cc, the medical caretaker ought to illuminate the specialist 오피정보 for additional examination and won't get a feast in that meeting ; even this strategy is discarded in light of the freshest rules, yet it actually is carried out in Iran as a normal measure.
Taking care of strategy through NG tube plot assists with keeping up with peristalsis, further develops blood supply, and reinforces the resistant framework , and ideal and sufficient healthful help assumes a significant part in further developing recuperation, diminishing physiological pressure, and expanding the insusceptibility limit .
In like manner, this approach speeds up injury recuperating, lessens the quantity of hospitalization days, diminishes the contamination risk, and in situations where the patient is hospitalized because of ulcers or wounds, decreases catabolic reactions. As a matter of fact, the point of wholesome help through the NG tube for patients in concentrated care units is to lessen or dispose of lack of healthy sustenance since hunger can cause muscle decay and loss of weight .
Among the elements that forestall sufficient taking care of patients, along these lines, we can allude to defer in instating taking care of, decrease in pace of gavage, not gavaging the volume endorsed by the doctor, and expanding the recurrence of cessation of taking care of . Medical caretakers working in escalated care units assume a key part in carrying out nourishing help in patients with diminished degrees of cognizance that include: opportune instating the taking care of, right taking care of, looking over gastric prejudice, looking at the emplacement of NG tube, deciding how much calories vital for the patient, and estimating the GRV .
Among the main stomach related complexities in patients took care of by the NG tube technique, food bigotry and postponed gastric discharging can be alluded. To figure out the defer in gastric discharging, generally the most effective way is to quantify GRV bedside the patient . Concentrates on show that 10 to 63% of patients took care of with this technique have stomach prejudice, which causes just 43-64% of these patients accept their everyday required calories . Food bigotry in these patients is related with the expanded gamble of mortality and hunger related difficulties , and absence of required sustenance consumption brings about loss of weight, exorbitant weight reduction , movement of contamination, bedsore, the expanded length of hospitalization, the expanded gamble of mortality, and inflated costs , and at last lead to cachexia and sarcopenia in these patients .
Different strategies have been proposed for forestalling and treating food prejudice and expanding the pace of gastric discharging, among which the utilization of prokinetic medications, for example, metoclopramide can be alluded. In any case, these medications have many aftereffects, for example, stomach cramps, sensitivities, bronchospasm, heart endlessly messes in pancreas. For 38.8% of hospitalized patients in escalated care units in Germany, stomach knead is utilized for overseeing confusions following idleness and further developing food resilience. In such manner, the examination directed by Kahraman and Ozdemir showed that the GRV on the last day had a huge decrease contrasted with the principal day.
Yet, in the investigation of Tekgündüz et al. , the GRV after stomach rub showed no contrast between the two test and control gatherings. Different specialists likewise trusted that stomach rub with animated peristaltic developments of stomach related framework, changed intra-stomach pressure 부산오피 and prompted mechanical and reflexive impacts on the digestive organs, diminishing the travel season of nourishment in the digestion tracts and expanding the quantity of digestive developments and simpler food development along the gastrointestinal lot can be considered as a palliative treatment to forestall the complexities brought about by this taking care of technique . Taking into account the couple of concentrates in serious consideration units and existing discussion studies, the current review was directed fully intent on deciding the impact of stomach knead on the GRV in patients hospitalized in escalated care units.