How to Benefit from TMJ Massage
An occasional headache or neck pain may seem like a normal part of everyday life.
Then one day in the afternoon, you may notice a clicking sound with every chew, or you may not be able to open your mouth as wide.
These are symptoms of TMJ dysfunction (TMJD).
The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is what connects the mandible (lower jaw) to the skull, just below the ears. The TMJ muscles 오피가격 control chewing. Dysfunction or poor posture can affect the neck, shoulders, face and teeth.
According to one study, TMJD affects 20 to 40% of the adult population. However, studies have found that massage can be very helpful in managing TMJ pain and TMJD symptoms.
Registered Massage Therapist Hannah Etlin-Stein MSc, RMT in Toronto, Canada treats many clients diagnosed with TMJD in her practice. She incorporates TMJ work into treatment plans along with teaching her clients self-massage and breathing techniques to keep them going. Read on to learn more about TMJ massage and self-massage techniques to help manage symptoms.
Signs You Have TMJ Dysfunction
Research from 2022 outlines the following possible symptoms of TMJD:
muscle pain when chewing, swallowing or talking
restricted movement, such as restriction in opening the mouth
clicking, cracking and jaw cracking
dental problems such as misaligned teeth
pain in the neck, skull and shoulders
constant headache
joint pain and tenderness
pain, ringing or itching in the ears
Does Massage Help Reduce TMJD?
A 2021 study concluded that conservative manual physical therapy techniques, including massage, are most beneficial for TMKJD treatment relief. There is a significant improvement in pain relief and maximal mouth opening.
Etlin-Stein added “because our jaws do not exist in a vacuum, it is necessary to address other parts of the body that may contribute to TMJ dysfunction. This includes work on the back, scalp, shoulders and pelvis to name a few.
This is why trigger point massage can provide relief.
Trigger points are sensitive or painful places that, when pressed, send sensation to other parts of the body. The sensations may be pain, tingling, twitching or itching.
What are the trigger points for TMJD?
The masseter—the jaw muscle located above and below the cheekbone—may have a trigger point associated with TMJD. Massaging the trigger points of the masticatory system relieves headaches, earaches and toothaches.
Other neck muscles such as the suboccipital muscle group (under the back of the skull) and the sternocleidomastoid (these two strong muscles in the front of the neck) can hold TMJ trigger points.
The temporal muscles on the side of the face just in front of the ears (think of the temples where you naturally massage yourself when you have a headache) can hold trigger points.
Massaging the upper trapezius, a large muscle group that stretches the neck, upper back and shoulders, can also relieve pressure on the TMJ.
How to do your own massage for TMJ
Self-massage can be done with your own hands or with specially designed tools. The three types of massage techniques you can use for TMJ are kneading, rubbing, and stretching.
Kneading (meaning kneading the dough) is lifting, rolling and squeezing the muscles between the fingers.

The stretching or stretching technique is a way to lengthen a muscle by stretching it and moving the skin with the fingers, knees, or palms. Where can you get a TMJ massage?
As reseacrh unique and accessible as self-massage is, it cannot be compared to being treated by a professional or to the act of completely "relaxing" while doing muscle work.
Professional massage therapists can work out of a clinic, studio or have their own practice.
Etlin-Stein adds, "Many of my clients don't realize that Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) can help with TMJ complaints, or that intraoral work is part of our practice. Part of our training is for the evaluation and treatment of TMJ dysfunction.
He also points out that the relationship—one of positivity, safety, and trust between therapist and client—is paramount because of the vulnerability of TMK treatment. When booking an appointment with a massage therapist, it is recommended that you ask them about their credentials, experience and knowledge of TMJ. This type of massage work may not be offered in all states.
A referral from a doctor, physical therapist or trusted source can prove beneficial.
Exercises to help and treat TMJD
Here are some TMJ self-massage exercises that you can try on your own.
It is strongly recommended to consult a health professional before starting a new exercise or self-massage. As a prelude to performing self-massage techniques, it is very helpful to connect with the breath in an effort to relax.
Among her peers and in her own practice, Etlin-Stein has seen more clients come in with TMJ problems since the pandemic began. The connection between body tension and stress is widely known.
He said: "As RMTs, we now know that many of the benefits of massage therapy are mediated by the nervous system. Teaching relaxation skills can be an effective therapy for TMJ pain, so diaphragmatic breathing is one of the many techniques I often teach clients." with TMJ pain.
Spending a few minutes each day focusing on your breathing in an effort to relax can have a profound effect on TMKJ. Masseter Crossed Fiber Massage
Make a fist with both hands.
Place your knees under your cheekbones about an inch from your ear.
Press firmly and continue making continuous semi-circles.
Hold for 30-60 seconds.
Rest and repeat the entire movement, but with your mouth open. Suboccipital friction massage
Take the first two fingers or thumbs of each hand and place them on the back of the skull.
Where the skull meets the neck, you will feel two distinct bony bumps.
Take your fingers and squeeze the muscle 부천오피 firmly and rub again and again.
Cover as much of the bone spur as you like for 30-60 seconds.
Massage of the suboccipital muscle group reduces tension in the neck and masticatory muscles.

Maseter kneading massage
This is Etlin-Stein's favorite technique that she recommends to clients.
To find the masseter muscle again (under the cheekbones, about halfway from the ear to the mouth), place your hands on your cheeks and hug your jaw. You can feel the muscles moving.
Relax your jaw.
First, gently hold this muscle and pull from the face and then from side to side. Live and repeat the movement of the muscle.
Bottom Line
TMJ dysfunction can be very painful and affect your quality of life.
Symptoms of TMJD can extend beyond the jaw itself, causing headaches, neck and shoulder pain and even affecting the alignment of your teeth.
Working with a professional massage therapist has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms and pain. GET MORE INFO
Self-massage is not just a convenient way of self-care – it puts you in a position of self-awareness and involvement in your own treatment.